
Adsterra Review: How Much You Can Earn as a Publisher?

Do you have a website or blog? Do you want to monetize your traffic and turn them into dollars? Today we are going to discuss a great website for traffic monetization.

Let's get started ...

What Is Adsterra?

Adsterra is an online platform for publishers and advertisers. You can buy ad space in their network of legit websites for a reasonable price, or you can monetize your website traffic and turn your visitors into cash.

Ad Formats Available

  1. Popunder: a new page with advertisement will open along side your website.
  2. PushAds: a notification will pop up on interested users devices.
  3. Native Banner: a banner that blends with your website content and theme.
  4. Display Ads: a banner with fixed sizes that display images as ads.

Is It Easy To Join?

Yes, it's the easiest website to join as a beginner because they do not require a minimum number of pageviews to get accepted. You can get approved in under 10 minutes and you can display your ads right away.

How Much Can You Earn?

Adsterra is known for their high CPMs. I can't tell you exactly how much you can earn but I have earned $16.08 USD so far with less than 20,000 pageviews. And yes, that's a good number.

But I Don't Have a Website :(

No worries, you can utilize their direct links ads method that allow you to earn from social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and so on.

Who Is It Perfect For?

It's perfect for people who want to get accepted really quick and start monetizing their website right away.

How Can I Get Paid?

You can withdraw money using PayPal once you reach $100 USD. If you don't have PayPal or it's not available in your country no worries because they have other payments methods.

A professional Web Developer from Saudi Arabia

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